Sunday, 14 December 2014

Words of the Week: Week 12

08/12/14 to 14/12/14

Monday: vaunt - (usually as adjective vaunted) Boast about or praise (something), especially excessively: e.g. 'the much vaunted information superhighway'

Tuesday: salutary - (Especially with reference to something unwelcome or unpleasant) producing good effects; beneficial: e.g. 'it failed to draw salutary lessons from Britain’s loss of its colonies'

Wednesday: BrailleA form of written language for blind people, in which characters are represented by patterns of raised dots that are felt with the fingertips

Thursday: coolth - Pleasantly low temperature: e.g. 'the coolth of the evening'

Friday: reticent - Not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily: e.g. 'she was extremely reticent about her personal affairs'

Saturday: timorous - Showing or suffering from nervousness or a lack of confidence: e.g. 'a timorous voice'

Sunday: toboggan - (noun) A long, light, narrow vehicle, typically on runners, used for sliding downhill over snow or ice; (verb) Ride on a toboggan

Words and definitions from Oxford Dictionaries Online's Word of the Day.

Playing with this week's words!
  • She seems reticent but is really only timorous
  • He was too timorous to try tobogganing
  • After the heat and stuffiness of the office, she was pleased to escape into the coolth outside

1 comment:

  1. Saturday's word is my word and always has been but it's not all bad! Just sometimes you want the ground to open up and swallow you lol xx👀😳
