24/11/14 to 30/11/14
Monday: prepotent - Greater than others in power or influence: e.g. 'Frankly, the prepotent title he goes under isn't enough to lend his argument any legitimacy'
Tuesday: sacerdotal - Relating to priests or the priesthood; priestly
Wednesday: Sprachgefühl - Intuitive feeling for the natural idiom of a language: e.g. 'it’s not genes or culture but Sprachgefühl that sets the French apart from the Finns'
Thursday: peart - Lively; cheerful: e.g. 'the man was right peart in his walking'
Friday: jaunt - A short excursion or journey made for pleasure: e.g. 'her regular jaunts to Europe'
Saturday: boscage - A mass of trees or shrubs: e.g. 'the view from the house is obscured by boscage'
Sunday: astrogation - (In science fiction) navigation in outer space: e.g. 'I need you to run the astrogation computers for the descent'
Words and definitions from Oxford Dictionaries Online's Word of the Day.
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